4 Hopeful Lessons from World War II to Confront Climate Change
In this video, learn how 4 key lessons for Canada's WW2 mobilization can be used to take action on climate change by Canadian governments and institutions.
Now is the time.
Now is the time to sound the alarm, jump-start a grand transition and mobilize Canada for the climate emergency.
We need to move at a speed and scale not seen since the Second World War.
We can mobilize again and we know how.
All sectors of society. All levels of government. All of us.
This is our opportunity to do something grand together and it’s our last chance.
If we don’t succeed, nothing else matters. Let’s do this.

The Climate Emergency Unit is:
Engaging with leaders from all levels of civil society to develop bold climate emergency plans.
Convening organizations that want to work together on a climate emergency agenda.
Training others in how to build for genuine climate emergency solutions.
Promoting the need for ambitious climate emergency solutions across Canada.
The Climate Emergency Unit, a project of the David Suzuki Institute, works with all sectors to find solutions to the climate crisis. We seek to move governments and leaders in Canada into true climate emergency mode, pressing them to adopt ambitious policies that align with what science says we must do.
The time is short. The task is great.
Join us in pressing our leaders into service. Learn more about our campaigns here, our 6 Markers of Emergency Framework & subscribe to stay up to date.