Climate Emergency Unit News and Blog

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Will Carney’s climate plan captivate climate-anxious voters, or leave them looking elsewhere?

by Seth Klein

While I am among those delighted to see the federal polls tightening, I remain nervous. Carney’s climate plan, in particular, risks handing fodder to Poilievre while failing to captivate the climate-anxious voter. Carney’s record indicates that he “gets” climate. His climate plan, however, doubles down on an approach that has failed to meaningfully bend the curve on our carbon pollution. There is a heavy emphasis on “incentives” to encourage households and business to do the right thing, along with a deep and abiding faith in market-based solutions. It won’t work. And politically, his focus on esoteric and technocratic policy reinforced the Conservative critique that the Liberal approach to climate is elitist. 

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Canada should hit Trump where it hurts the most — oil and gas

By Seth Klein

With special treatment for oil and gas, Trump is telling us where he is vulnerable, and who his people are. Trump is the fossil fuel industry’s man in the White House. Which is precisely why Canada should quickly impose an export tax on the industry. And it’s why the push for more and expedited oil and gas pipelines, east and west, in order to boost shipments to Europe and Asia, is exactly the wrong call. LNG and pipeline expansion is being driven by investors who are close allies and donors of Trump. This is no time to reward them!

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Erin Blondeau Erin Blondeau

2024 Year-End Report

We are excited to share some of the highlights from the Climate Emergency Unit’s work over the past 12 months of organizing and mobilizing, and lay out our intentions for 2025 — a pivotal year for climate policy in Canada. We continue to fight for truly transformational policies that invite Canadians to join in a grand societal undertaking. For policies that make a compelling and hopefully counter-offer to workers and communities that feel economically reliant on fossil fuels. For the creation of audacious new institutions and to spend what it takes not only to confront the climate crisis, but also to forge a more equal and just society. If you believe in our transformative campaigns, we invite you to make a substantial contribution to help us win them in our final year.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Mobilization works! Vancouver votes to maintain its prohibition on gas heating in new homes

by Seth Klein

It wasn’t easy, and it was uncomfortably close. But late November, the gas industry’s effort to re-introduce fossil fuel heating in new homes and buildings in Vancouver was mercifully defeated. Turns out, mobilization – even against powerful vested interests – can still win the day. This piece details that mobilization, the industry efforts to roll-back climate progress, and draws lessons for future fights.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

An appeal to the climate movement – we urgently need a new approach

by Seth Klein

his piece is a little different – an appeal to fellow Canadian climate movement friends and colleagues. As we return from another hot and smoke-filled summer of unnatural disasters, let us admit that we are in our own form of denial. Perhaps it is time to concede that, in the face of an escalating catastrophe, we are stuck in a rinse-and-repeat cycle that is simply not working. We urgently need to shift gears or we are done. But take heart! It is far too early to throw in the towel or to let defeatism take root. The next federal election is just over a year away. So much depends on our ability to shift the terrain over the next 12 months. But as the saying goes, that is a lifetime in politics. A Conservative majority can absolutely still be avoided. So, what’s the alternative to the default we know? This piece offers a few thoughts.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Unrelenting gas industry keeps pouring fuel on the fire: FortisBC refuses to take no for an answer

by Seth Klein

Canada’s main residential suppliers of fossil gas remain unrelenting in their bloody-nailed determination to expand our reliance on their planet-burning, climate chaos-inducing product. In my home province of British Columbia, the residential gas supplier is FortisBC. This piece explores two recent examples of the private monopoly’s refusal to take no for an answer. The first is underway in Vancouver. In hundreds of talks across the country, I have told the story of the City of Vancouver’s decision to lead the country in prohibiting new buildings from using fossil fuels for heating. Dating from 2020, this bold policy stood out as an early beacon of genuine climate emergency action. But now, in a particularly cowardly manner, the city’s ABC majority has moved to reverse this policy, and Fortis’s fingerprints are all over it. Second, Fortis has introduced an outragous new rebate that seeks to make it uneconomic not to stay hooked up to gas.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Federal Liberals urgently need to shift terrain with bold ideas

by Seth Klein

For years, "progressive" governments (federal & provincial) have said we need to go slow on climate to avoid a right-wing backlash. How'd that work out for us? Today we have the worst of both worlds – milquetoast climate policy AND a right-wing backlash! Incrementalism is no match for the crises we face. As the government seeks a reset ahead of the fall 2025 election, it desperately needs to shake things up. The Liberals need to reinvigorate the terrain with exciting ideas that can, finally, change the dreadful script that has characterized the last two years. On the climate front it’s time to stop being so damn boring and invite the fight with the fossil fuel industry and its political servants.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

CBC must strengthen its case for our – and its own – survival: Time for our public broadcaster to break the glass and sound the climate emergency alarm

by Seth Klein

The frequency and tone of climate news should align with the gravity of what we confront. Sometimes, the CBC is exactly the public broadcaster we need it to be in an emergency (witness year one of COVID or wildfire coverage). In times like this, we’re reminded why having a media organization that can prioritize clear, factual and compassionate communication over profit is so important to a healthy democracy. And it makes political calls to “defund the CBC” ring especially hollow. But in the face of the most profound crisis we confront — the climate emergency — we have yet to see the CBC be that public broadcaster. This piece shares results from a CEU/SFU report – Quiet Alarm – into the CBC climate reporting, reminds readers of the CBC’s role in the Second World War, and lays out what it would look and sound like for the CBC to be a genuine climate emergency broadcaster.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Today’s Conservatives not fit to lead in an emergency: In face of an existential threat, Pierre Poilievre is running interference for climate arsonists

by Seth Klein

This piece is mainly a thought experiment: what if Pierre Poilievre had been Canadian prime minister at the outset of the Second World War? Today, as another existential and civilizational threat barrels down upon us, what would Conservative leadership look and sound like? Poilievre’s Conservative Party is a far different beast than your grandparents’ Conservatives, and Poilievre is no Winston Churchill. Much ink has been spilled about Poilievre’s campaign to “axe the [carbon] tax.” But let there be no doubt: he’s not just gunning for carbon pricing. He’s going after the whole package – effectively every piece of climate policy won over the last 10 years. Poilievre is telling us who he is – a servant of the oil and gas industry.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

New polling shows British Columbians ready to get buildings off gas and want BC government to get tougher with FortisBC

by Seth Klein, Melissa Lem, Liz McDowell and Ashley Zarbatany

The gas we burn in our homes and buildings is responsible for about 12% of British Columbia’s GHG emissions. Consequently, a key piece of climate emergency action is getting fossil gas – more commonly and misleadingly known as “natural” gas – out of buildings. The good news: British Columbians are ready to see our government take more decisive action to speed up progress on this file. Last November, a coalition of climate groups commissioned a province-wide poll of 1,000 British Columbians from Abacus Data on the subject of gas in buildings. The results are very heartening.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Like we did for tobacco, we must ban false fossil fuel ads

by Seth Klein

It seems NDP MP Charlie Angus has hit a nerve. Last week, heeding the call of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE), Angus tabled a private member’s bill in the House of Commons to prohibit fossil fuel advertising. The reaction to Angus’s bill from Big Oil’s political and media defenders has been swift and hysterical - a sure sign of the bill’s merit. Angus’s proposed law is already doing a great service — sparking a needed conversation about the role of fossil fuel companies in perpetuating the climate crisis and questioning the social licence we have extended to these nefarious corporations for far too long.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

The next big LNG proposal - Ksi Lisims - may be the sleeper climate issue of 2024

by Seth Klein

One of the biggest climate stories in Canada in 2024 might well prove to be a project that, so far at least, few in the country have heard of — Ksi Lisims LNG. Like the earlier-approved LNG Canada project in nearby Kitimat, Ksi Lisims has the potential to be a major carbon bomb. The “net zero” claim of the project proponents ignores the greenhouse gases that would be emitted when the LNG produced by Ksi Lisims reaches its destination and is burned, known as Scope 3 emissions. Ksi Lisims aims to produce 12 megatonnes a year of liquified gas, and amount of LNG that, when burned, produces approximately 32 megatonnes of GHGs. That is equivalent to more than half of British Columbia’s total annual emissions.

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Erin Blondeau Erin Blondeau

PRESS RELEASE: Youth deliver over 600 job applications for yet-to-exist Youth Climate Corps jobs to Federal Minister for Youth Marci Ien

Toronto, ON – As the global climate COP28 meetings begin in Dubai, young people are mobilizing for climate action here at home. This morning, dozens of youth gathered outside the constituency office of federal Minister for Youth Marci Ien to hand-deliver over 600 mock cover letters for a Youth Climate Corps (YCC). The letters capture the aspirations of young people from across the country seeking meaningful work confronting the climate crisis. These youth seek to serve in an exciting government-funded green jobs program.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Once again, the carbon tax sucks up all the political oxygen:Urgent need to shift the focus of climate action

By Seth Klein

The Trudeau government’s recent decision to exempt home heating oil from the carbon tax will be remembered as one of the great boneheaded political moves of recent years. The carveout has thrown the federal government’s keystone climate policy of the past 10 years into turmoil. It now appears we are destined to spend the next federal election, quite likely next year’s BC election and possibly other forthcoming provincial elections re-prosecuting past climate fights. This is no way to win the battle of our lives. Tackling the climate crisis requires urgent forward momentum, not re-litigating the carbon tax debate. And the kicker is there are a multitude of other options to address the affordability crisis facing many.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Poll results show a youth climate corps would be a political winner, and a path to a real mobilization

By Seth Klein

Eager to see what Canadian public opinion makes of a climate corps, the CEU commissioned a poll from Abacus Data. The results are now in, and they are very good news! The headline finding: A majority of Canadians – across the country and political lines – support the idea of creating a Youth Climate Corps (YCC). The results are especially strong among those aged 18 to 35 (the cohort for whom the program is designed). The most heartening results came from a survey question that asked those 35 and under, “If a program like this existed, how likely are you to consider enrolling in a Youth Climate Corps for two years?” In short, hundreds of thousands of young people are ready to serve as we confront the climate emergency. Our governments should sign these folks up as quickly as possible

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Erin Blondeau Erin Blondeau

Majority of Canadians support a Youth Climate Corps, new polling reveals

Toronto & Vancouver— A majority of Canadians support the idea of creating a Youth Climate Corps (YCC). According to a new national survey conducted by Abacus Data, after being given a short description of the program, 55% of adult Canadians support it, with a further 23% who can accept it. Only 12% oppose the idea.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

How to win electoral support from young people? How about instituting a Youth Climate Corps!

by Seth Klein

Last month, the campaign for a Youth Climate Corps took a big leap forward when the Biden administration launched the American Climate Corps — a new jobs program that will see thousands of young people get training and employment in climate-related work, and a huge win for the youth-led Sunrise Moment in the US. Launching the American Climate Corps should be seen as a renewed attempt by Biden to make nice with the youth voting bloc upon whom his re-election may well hinge. Speaking of which: Memo to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau! The polls have you trailing badly among Gen Z and Millennial voters. Maybe it’s time to offer something exciting and hopeful to these folks. Sir, may I present the Youth Climate Corps.

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Seth Klein Seth Klein

Reflections on a burning summer and the precarious terrain between hope and despair: In the battle for our lives, is it possible we are winning?

by Seth Klein

Victories often don’t occur in a clear-cut timeline, nor can they always be pinpointed to a specific event. When we look back at this time, maybe — just maybe — the spring and summer of 2023 will be remembered as a pivot period. This summer was also the first in which almost all Canadians experienced the emergency firsthand. Perhaps this collective experience — in which we all stared the crisis in the face and tasted the disruption to come — will signal a shift in the zeitgeist we’ve long awaited.

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Guest User Guest User

Canada Needs a Youth Climate Corps, and More

By Emiko Newman and Erin Blondeau

Over 1,000 wildfires are burning across Canada. Families are fleeing their homes, haunted by the very real possibility that they may never be able to return.

This dystopian scene has become far too common. In June 2021, Lytton, B.C. experienced the highest temperature ever recorded in Canada: 49.6 C. A devastating wildfire then reduced the town to ashes. Two years later, the rebuilding process has hardly begun, yet residents of the Lytton First Nation are once again under evacuation alert due to wildfires.

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Juan Vargas Alba Juan Vargas Alba

Opinion: Youth voters ignored in Alberta election and it proved costly for the NDP

By Juan Vargas Alba

It may be hard to believe, but half of Gen Z (1997-2012) is now eligible to vote; you just wouldn’t know it if you followed last week’s provincial election. With voter turnout at a disappointing 59.5 per cent, it’s likely that youth voter turnout also followed its downward trend. Young voters — many of whom have never voted but care deeply about political issues and who have experienced their most formative years during a pandemic — could have made stark differences in key ridings.

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